Monday, May 5, 2008

on not being confusing...

Hi, Dave, good to be back here!

oh, it's you again.

So, you were telling me about your novel, The Shadow Without, and how it's not confusing...

was i?

Yeah, kind of like off the air...

off the air? we're not a radio station!

I know that, Dave. Between posts then! You were telling me about your book between posts.

no, i wasn't.

I know you weren't! We're just pretending, it's a figure of speech, it's like--

and you tell me my work is confusing...

Forget it! I never mentioned it!


So, this book of yours, Dave, it's about a Shadow?


A shadow that is without something?


And you're not going to get all confusing on me?

no! it's not confusing

It's about a shadow and what?

the shadows are minor players. it's really about a man that has some different kinds of powers who happens to be the only person who can save the new president of the united states from being killed on a visit to aussie.

Dave, I don't want to get personal, but do you have a problem with capital letters?

that's a silly question. this is the net, this is a blog, it's not a book. any more silly questions and i'm outta here...

Okay, Dave. Relax a bit. These special powers, what are they, and why does this character have them? And who is he anyway?

that's better! Jetta Coorain is his name. he can talk to some animals, and understand what they say, a bit like Doctor Doolittle, I guess. and he can move with preternatural speed, like one of Anne Rice's vampires...

Hey! You just used capitals--


Didn't cross my mind. Back to these special powers, how are they possible?

Jetta's grandfather participated in some pretty heavy alchemical experiments that left his descendents with some 'out there' kind of mutations.

Yeah? What kind of experiments? What other mutations?

sorry, you'll have to read the book...

What's the President of the United States got to do with the story?

he's the target the bad guy is after.

When you write about the President, you do use capitals, right?

last chance, buddy!

Okay, okay... so, why the President?

because the bad guy is interested in the power attached to the man, not necessarily the man himself.

What if Hilary wins the election? She's not a man. Is that going to ruin the story?

not really. it'll just be her life that is under threat in the book.

Interesting. Look, it's killing me. I have to ask. Do you use ANY capitals in The Shadow Without?

that's it. i'm outta here...

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