Monday, May 5, 2008

of blog titles and things...

Well, thanks for taking the time to talk to us, Dave.

pleasure. what would you like to talk about?

I'm thinking the title of this blog for a start. What's that all about?

you mean, A man writes through?

That'd be it, Dave.

i guess it is just my take on the ephemeral nature of blogs.

So, you think blogs are short-lived, or is this a comment on the whole of the blogger world?

no, i don't think blogs are fleeting or short-lived but i wonder about the web-surfing culture or phenomenon. it is the casual reader who is the transitory element here...

Ah, this is a site for men then, transient men, to surf through?

what? why should it be restricted to men?

You tell me, Dave, it's your blog name!

the title refers to me. i will pass through on my way to my novel draft. well, i won't passs through, i will write a bit while i'm here, so i will write through. oh, and by the way, i'm a man. a man writes through. get it?

Oh, you could have been a bit clearer, couldn't you?

i didn't ask you to stop in here, mate! any other questions before i leave?

Um, this book you're writing, The Shadow Without, it's not as confusing, is it?


frankieswoodwork said...

Wow Dave, That's a lot of writing. You've certainly promoted The Shadow Without. But just think you could have written that many words in your novel.
Good on you Dave. It pays to be positive. I like it.

Dave Millard said...

Hiya Margaret,

It is certainly a fine line we have to walk here, and the question "do i blog, or do i shadow, tonight?" is sure to vex me going forward. my intention is to do a little in both everytime i sit at the computer. we shall see... later, Dave